Llegue! At the moment I am currently in bed with a thermometer stuck in my mouth, watching a movie. When I landed Monday I was fairly certain I was too hot, and not from the climate, although it was quite humid that day. I've pretty much been in bed ever since. I had to skip school yesterday, of course, and today. I've been alternating between drenching sweats and feverish shaking beneath my blankets, all accompanied by body aches. Fortunately I have wonderful friends here who bring me orange Gatorade, make me tea, and cook me soup. Today I woke up sans fever, just low energy. The thermometer right now, however, is reporting 99.1. Hopefully it won't continue to increase. Never have I so wanted a hot water bottle for my neck.
Anyway, I was so encouraged to go home and hear from some of you that you have been reading my blog! I thought it was just Mom (I love you!). So, it's my goal to make this more entertaining to read. Currently I am also being inspired by Julie & Julia, which (I had forgotten) is about blogging. And cooking. But I'm not being inspired to cook, shocking I know.
I must admit, being sick is not helping to motivate me for the spring semester. Neither is the cold weather...it's somewhere in the 60s, and rainy...quite chilly!! I would love to go retrieve my motorcycle, go to town to get some groceries, and make dinner! ....Or, I could sit in my bed and drink more fluids. Option B? I think so. Although I do need milk.
I guess if you have to miss a few days of school, this is the week to do it...school started yesterday, and apparently I still don't have a full class. There were only 10 high schoolers, and they left at noon. Yesterday was Three Kings Day, kind of like another Christmas, so I guess that makes sense.
I spoke to the new cleaning woman. She is fairly expressionless, which makes me doubt my Spanish when I talk to her. I apparently said something right, because she showed up today. It's the small victories...
I guess I'm off to make lists of the things I would buy at the grocery store if i could go, and then sit listlessly on my bed. Thus begins round two of my Dominican adventures!