I am happily back in warm weather teaching my kids and drinking bottled water. The 40 degree weather was a little much for me, but it was bearable knowing that I got to come back here today. I'm all about shorts and flipflops.
We had a great wedding (and by we I mean Trish and Jim) and it was FANTASTIC to see so many Messiah alums!!! It was also wonderful spending time with my family (props to my church for sending me back with so much stuff, and to my mom for making me lasagna AND green bean cassarole!!).
Anyway, a last section of people that I live/work/spend time with:
Up the road in the ground floor of another house:
Karyn: 32, HS librarian/grammar, of Tennessee. This her year 4 and her students love her. She also cooks ridiculously well. She does not swim in natural water due to her fear of creatures.
Natalie (Brewer): 23, of Indianapolis. '08 grad of Taylor U, degree in El Ed. Sadly a Colts fan. She teaches 4th grade and enjoys sports of any kind and riding her motorcycle. Possibly one of the funniest people I know.
Jenny: 26, '05 graduate of the Art Institute in Chicago. Born in Miss, she has ALOT of relatives in Texas but spent the last few years in Chicago. Obviously studied art things. Has a fantastic southern accent.
Living around the corner in a rented room:
Ashley, 28 (?), originally from Ohio, lived recently in NYC. He was a chemist that now teaches HS science. He is half Dominican apparently, but wasn't raised speaking spanish, so now he studies with Cecilia.
Brewer and Jenny at 27 Waterfalls:

It was so great having you back at church on Sunday ~ you are surely missed. The weather is much nicer today, back up in the 60s, but still too chilly for flipflops and shorts. It won't be long until we see you again when you come home for Christmas.