Shame! My sister hates when i say this, but Egads! I haven't posted in over a week. I'm usually much better at this. What has happened in the meantime??
Last week is kind of a blur. Did alot of work. Had girl dinner/Bible study on Thursday. Oh, and I got my sandals fixed for a like a dollar by my shoe guy named Eberto. I was pretty excited. I also cut my foot on some glass in the soccer field, and then sliced my finger while making guacamole. (I did not tell the eaters of said guac about said sliced finger. Please keep my secret.)
We had a three day weekend due to some Dominican holiday known as Constitution Day, which
contributes to my cyber absence. I went to the BEACH and had an utterly wonderful time!!! the water was warm, the company was positive, AND we had....wait for it....TV!!!!! Pretty much we exclusively kept football on. I don't even care about college football, but it was a beautiful thing just to listen.
I will refrain from commenting on the performance of my team this Sunday, whose name I will not mention. 4-4?? Really??
Tomorrow I am having my sort-of Dominican family over for dinner....could be rough, since I am cooking, and I think we all know how far (or not) my domestic ability extends.
Time for bed. (2 hours ago) are Holly and me at the BEACH!!!

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