Well, for the first time in 3 weeks, I am visitorless! Three weeks ago I picked up Ryan, who was still here the following Friday (April 9) when my whole family flew down!!. They left last Sunday, but Kels got to stay until yesterday, when she flew home. So I'm pretty much just decompressing in my room all day. I had a great time with all of them here. We did some great waterfall adventuring! On the first Saturday they were here we hiked the Upper Jimenoa:

Tim and Laura took us rock climbing around that area, and a week later we were at 27 Waterfalls near Puerto Plata:

My dad had alot of fun resurrecting his rusty Spanish skills. My mom just enjoyed relaxing and not having to worry about cooking.
On Monday they came to my class, and all the boys loved my brother and my dad. The 4th graders required a "conferencia" with them, during which I think most of the girls acquired a crush on Jordan. Please note Smirna's story for the day:

By the time she left yesterday, two of my girls had attached themselves to Kels, and they made her a lot of cute cards.
So, now I am alone for the remaining 7 or however many weeks are left. That's ok; I've got plenty to keep me busy! Maybe now I'll start blogging with some regularity...
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