Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well, it was a good weekend but a rough Friday. I reached a critical point at about 11 am when the kids were just not listening and I was tired of yelling and the Spanish teacher had been waiting for 10 minutes. I burst into tears and gave them a short speech about my frustration and then went home and took a nap. That afternoon Jenny was on a moto and got hit by a car and injured her ankle. Totally God's protection that she wasn't hurt worse!!

Anyway, I had a productive weekend but I am not feeling motivated in my class. I am tired of fighting for the attention of my students. I think we are all feeling ready to go home for break. Sunday I definitely didn't feel like going to church either; I just wanted to get into my car and drive to SCC and be in church with my family and everyone I know.

Another bummer was the Ravens loss to the Colts Sunday, but I watched it in the best possible way for the DR: with friends, on a projector screen. The only negatives: it was broadcast in Danish, and I had to watch it with Brewer in her Manning jersey. All in all, a good game, especially to watch.

That's about it! We have a 2 1/2 day week, so I'm pretty much half done. Wednesday is just a party. I can't wait for some time off. And then it's just a few weeks til we go home!

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