Sunday, January 17, 2010

A way to help the Haitians

I just wanted to let everyone know about a unique, and in my opinion, extremely effective way to help Haiti. There is an American family in my town that distributes water purifiers here in the DR. The company is, and they make these water filters in needy countries (e.g. Africa, here, Haiti, etc.) that can be given to the Haitians so that they have a renewable source of drinking water, instead of relying on bottled water from relief teams.

To me, this makes more sense than sending bottled water that will, obviously, be used up.

Some people have been asking if I will be going down to help in the relief efforts. Some of us have definitely expressed interest, since we are here on the island already, but right now it's not feasible for a few reasons. The most important one is that it's extremely unsafe in Haiti right now due to the disorganization. The second is that most of the Haitians have no place to go because their shelter has been destroyed, so we would just be a few more bodies needing a place to stay. I think if we were to go it would be more likely in a few months, when things are less chaotic and people know exactly what needs to be done.

I'm trying to upload some videos of my kids, but thus far I am unsuccessful. Try again later!

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