Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 29!!!

So, i started typing this on Sunday, but then there were, of course, power outtages and first graders. So here you go:

My sincerest apologies for the lack of updates; the first grade has taken over my life somewhat.

An observation, not of Dominican culture. I’m here with a lot of people from the Midwest, Texas, Minnesota, and a couple people from Indiana. I think in Maryland and on the east coast in general we pretty much think we are hot stuff in comparison to the other states. I just assumed that everyone knew the order of the states on the coastline, what Maryland looked like, etc. To my dismay, I’m discovering that our state just isn’t that important to some of the other states! I was fairly aghast at this realization, but then again I realized that we don’t think much of the middle states either. I had just always assumed there was a state envy for the poor folks from Kansas and Oklahoma, and it is quite the sobering sensation to think that there isn’t.

There has been a copious amount of rain lately that comes in the afternoon, usually when I want to go running. Yes, I have started running. I TOLD you my iPod purchase would be useful!! I am greatly enjoying getting to see some of the roads this way, although if another dude offers to father my child I'm going to punch him in the face and/or use my limited spanish to tell him off.

(Back to the present)

I am also LOVING playing soccer with my first graders on their breaks. One of my kids I was fairly certain was psycho last week, and this week after he gets done eating he goes, "Miss Natalie! Go play soccer?" This from a child that literally had to be pried from his mother at lunchtime on Friday, screaming like someone was filleting the skin off his body. I do not know what changed, but I am eternally grateful for every spanking I ever got.

We are learning about plants in Science, and since the Art teacher isn't here, I have integrated the art for science. On Friday we painted newspapers, and on Monday we used said newspapers to make hats (either pointy or otherwise, pictures forthcoming), tomorrow we are making binoculars with toilet paper tubes. Both projects to be used on Thursday, at whence point we are going on plant safari with our hats and binoculars. I'm excited. After that, I'm going to have to think of some other art projects. I really want to do collages with trash, but I feel like first grade might be a little too young in terms of cleanliness and art appreciation. Are they too young to memorize pictures of the Pantheon and the Parthenon??

Anyway, I will definitely take pictures of Safari Day.

PS a big thank you to Miss Janice and my awesome parents for sending me packages! I really can't express the excitement we all get when the mail is coming!! (every two weeks on a Tuesday evening.)

Nat: out.

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